6 Must-Haves in Your 2023 Marketing Strategy

6 Must-Haves in Your 2023 Marketing Strategy

6 Must-Haves in Your 2023 Marketing Strategy


Companies and marketers usually rely on their creative functions in marketing – Constantly seeking the “next best” marketing idea or design.

While creativity plays a critical role in marketing, it means little if it doesn’t generate a consistent return on investment (ROI) (i.e. increased brand awareness, revenue growth, etc.).

Little to no ROI often translates to a deep sense of frustration, which often leads to the following statements:

  • I spent all this money and it’s just not working – We aren’t seeing much return.
  • I feel stuck and really don’t know what to do next.
  • I have no clue why my marketing efforts have not worked.

Can you relate to this?

At InCon, LLC Marketing and Media, we have had the luxury of evaluating many marketing programs to determine what marketing efforts have been implemented, how they were done, and assessing the results.

We have found that most failures occur because of the lack of basic marketing fundamentals. Meaning most companies have gaps in their upfront planning, execution process, or because of a leaking marketing funnel.


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The harsh reality is most companies do not truly develop a comprehensive marketing strategy (a strategy that accounts for the different marketing channels you will use, how to use them, and the process required to make them work properly).

Without doing this upfront work, companies will find themselves hoping and praying for success versus anticipating the results they have already planned to happen.





How much time have you spent truly building your marketing strategy?


Below are some key elements that you need to include in your upcoming 2023 marketing strategy:

  1. Setting marketing goals and priorities
  2. Identified your target audience and create personas
  3. Determined all the marketing channels you will need to Boost Awareness and Traffic
  4. Creating an ecosystem where all your marketing activities work together
  5. Created an implementation plan with key milestones that must be met by specific dates
  6. Established metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that you will use to measure success

If you haven’t addressed these basic items, I don’t care how creative you are, you won’t see consistent marketing success.

Creativity works best with a solid marketing infrastructure in place to give it the support it needs to thrive.

What is your marketing program missing that limiting your company’s ability to thrive?